8 Best Tips to Cover Up a Hickey and Save Face

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Whether you’re out on a date and it starts to turn amorous, or the weekend got a little wilder than expected.

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that can leave us embarrassed come Monday morning.

You know what I’m talking about — hickeys. While they may be harmless and even flattering for some, there are times when covering up unwanted marks is necessary; your grandmother might not understand if she saw one!

Don’t worry though – with our tips and tricks, there are plenty of ways to hide those tell-tale signs of affection and save face.

Keep reading this post to learn all about how to cover up a hickey so no one will ever know!


Best Tips to Cover Up a Hickey

1. Ice The Hickey Right Away to Reduce Swelling and Discoloration

A hickey can be an embarrassing mark to have, especially if it’s in a visible area. Fortunately, there are ways to cover up a hickey, and one of the most effective is to ice it right away.

By applying a cold compress to the area, you can help reduce swelling and discolouration and make the hickey less noticeable.

This could be especially helpful if you have an important event coming up or need to go to work without drawing unwanted attention to your neck.

So if you find yourself with a hickey, don’t panic. Instead, reach for some ice and put it to work!

2. Hide the Hickey with Makeup – Use Concealer, Foundation, and Blush

We’ve all been there, whether it was an unwanted love bite or just an accidental bump on the neck. A hickey can be embarrassing, and sometimes you just want to hide it and move on.

Luckily, with some simple makeup tricks, you can easily cover up that unsightly mark.

You’re ready to go out without people staring at your neck. With these simple steps, you can be confident and stylish, even if you have a hickey.

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3. Use a Scarf or Turtleneck to Cover Up the Area While It’s Healing

There’s nothing worse than having a bright red hickey on your neck, particularly when you have important events or work meetings. Luckily, covering up a hickey is an easy fix that doesn’t require makeup skills.

  • Just grab a scarf or turtleneck and wrap it around your neck – it’s that easy!
  • The material will keep the area concealed from prying eyes while it heals.
  • You’ll feel more confident knowing that you can make the appearance of the hickey disappear with a simple piece of clothing.

4. Try a Cold Compress – Apply a Cold Compress for 15 Minutes Several Times Throughout the Day

We’ve all been there, a passionate moment leaves you with an unwelcome mark. Whether you’re trying to hide it from your parents or your boss, knowing how to cover up a hickey can be a lifesaver.

One trick that many people swear by is applying a cold compress for 15 minutes, several times throughout the day. Not only will this help to reduce any swelling and bruising, but the cold temperature can also constrict the blood vessels, making the mark less noticeable.

So, if you’re trying to hide a hickey, grab a bag of frozen peas, wrap it in a towel, and gently press it against the spot. It might not make the mark disappear completely, but it will definitely lighten it up!

5. Apply Aloe Vera Gel – Aloe Vera can Help Reduce Pain and Inflammation Caused by Hickeys 

Oops! Looks like you’ve got a hickey, but no need to panic! Although hickeys are often considered embarrassing and unwanted marks, there are ways to reduce their appearance. One of the best natural solutions is applying aloe vera gel.


Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera can help reduce the pain and inflammation caused by hickeys, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and soothed.

By using aloe vera gel, you can ease the discomfort of your hickey and start feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. So, next time you find yourself with a visible hickey, don’t hesitate to give aloe vera gel a try!

6. Wear Clothes That are Darker in Color – Darker Colors are Better at Concealing Marks Like Hickeys

Hickeys can be embarrassing and difficult to conceal, but luckily, there is a simple solution – wear darker clothes! Darker colours are excellent at concealing marks like hickeys, making them an excellent choice for those looking to cover up.

Whether you opt for a sleek black shirt or a deep navy sweater, darker clothing options will help to minimize the appearance of any hickeys you may be trying to hide.

So the next time you find yourself with a pesky hickey, remember to reach for your darkest clothing – it may just be the key to keeping your secret safe.

7. Try a Temporary Tattoo to Completely Hide the Hickey 

You may have had a wild night with your partner, but now you’re left with an uncomfortable reminder: a hickey. Whether you have an important meeting or a family gathering coming up, you may want to cover it up.

Fortunately, there’s an easy and temporary solution: use a temporary tattoo. Simply choose a design you like and place it over the hickey.

Not only will it completely hide the mark, but you can also have fun experimenting with different styles and patterns. Plus, temporary tattoos are easily removable, so you won’t have to worry about them lasting longer than you intended. 

Say goodbye to awkward explanations and hello to a quick and easy solution for covering up hickeys.

8. Apply Vitamin K Cream for an Overnight Solution to Reducing Redness and Bruising

We’ve all been there. You wake up from a night out or a romantic evening with a hickey on your neck that you just can’t hide. Lucky for you, there’s a solution that can help reduce the visibility of that unwanted mark.

Vitamin K cream has been proven to be an effective overnight treatment for reducing redness and bruising.

Simply apply a small amount to the affected area before bed and let it work its magic.

Not only will it help heal the hickey faster, but it will also make it less noticeable, allowing you to confidently go about your day without worry. Give it a try and see for yourself how effective this little trick can be.

Final Thoughts:

When you find yourself with an unwanted hickey, there’s no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed! Thanks to these 8 easy and effective tips, you can successfully cover up a hickey and save face.

Whether it’s a cold compress, aloe vera gel, or darker clothing, there are plenty of ways to make your hickeys less noticeable. So the next time you find yourself in a hickey-related bind, don’t forget to give these solutions a try – they just may be your saving grace! Happy concealing!


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